Mar 2, 2009

Oreo the Cat delivers a fierce left hook to opponent Jowls the Dog. Orea knocked Jowls out with a flurry of shots midway through the eighth round Friday night to retain his furryweight title.

"As de fight went on I change my strategy and I start with more snowzer shots. I always knew his bark was bigger than his bite," Oreo said after the fight.

Feb 23, 2009

Charlotte the psychic Barrel Fish

Charlotte, the psychic "Barrel Fish" found swimming off Central California's coast is now reading fortunes for a limited time. Her amazing brain powers make all transparent! She swam up 2,000 feet from the deep-inky seas to look into her crystal skull...I mean guide us for the new year. For me she sees a Ferrari and a pair of yellow high heels! For you...well, it doesn't look too good. She sees a strange man in a tuxedo holding a mai tai and an green briefcase. When you see him you are to slap him, run for your life, and then move to Mexico. And you're to leave your nice yellow high heels with me before you go.

So says Charlotte the psychic.
Image courtesy of National Geographic National Geographic.

Hear me Roar!

If I were King of the Forest, Not queen, not duke, not prince.
My regal robes of the forest, would be satin, not cotton, not chintz.
I'd command each thing, be it fish or fowl.
With a woof and a woof and a royal growl - woof.
As I'd click my heel, all the trees would kneel. And the mountains bow and the bulls kowtow. And the sparrow would take wing - If I - If I - were King! Each rabbit would show respect to me. The chipmunks genuflect to me. Though my tail would lash, I would show compash
For every underling! If I - If I - were King! Just King!

Feb 20, 2009

Samsung Craziness?

It's so absurd but I love it. In fact it reminds me some certain bunnies I know...

Rabbid Rabits

The crazy bunnies are back! If you need a moment of absurdity/cruelty/craziness in your day-to-day life, might I suggest the Rabid Rabbits?

And the new version called Raving Rabbits features the option to play with the wii fit and move the characters with your butt. Yes. Your butt.

Feb 12, 2009

Update on Sam the Koala

Sam the Koala was one of lucky ones. Officials estimate that millions of animals -- including koalas, kangaroos, wallabies and lizards -- perished in the inferno. The Australia fire has destroyed 1,200 square miles of forest, towns and farms with an expected human death toll of 300. Sam was photographed with volunteer firefighter David Tree who shared his water with the koala. Sam has second and third degree burns but is expected to fully recover within six to eight months.
David Tree has already gone to visit Sam in the shelter. It's people like David here that give me hope for a better tomorrow.

Kittens Inspired by...Kittens

If anyone asks why I want to have children I will show them this video. Catch the phrases I love most, "I want beef jerky," "we're in Hawaii," "snuggeling!"

Feb 9, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

I haven't been so touched by a movie in a long, long time. I'd highly recommend Slumdog Millionaire to the grown-up audience who has a big heart and a tough stomach. The moral at the end is so refreshing...I hope Hollywood pays attention. This is the type of movie I want to see. So for your entertainment I've added some funny/sad slumdogs...and one slumcat.

Images courtesy of, Handicap, Snapshot and

Feb 6, 2009

Fiest on Sesame Street

I adore Feist and the fact that she would alter her song for animaliscious monsters on Sesame Street makes me think she must be one of the most wonderful people in the world.

Feb 5, 2009

Good Old Animal

I miss the Mupets, especially the variety show. If you get the chance, be sure to go to the Muphet 3D show at California Adventure Land. It's everything and more that I ever loved about the Muphets- and Animal!

Feb 2, 2009

The Giraffe Song

After hearing this giraffe song I realized there's hope for having my cucumber song. I mean, this is my kind of song. A kid singing about how fast giraffes are, how they're freaking cool and he has these outrageous guitar rips...on an acoustic guitar. It's to sing to telemarketers when they won't stop calling you, a song to sing when you forgot to turn in your homework and your teacher asks for your excuse, and a song to sing at three am when you've had nine cups of coffee and your roommates are all asleep.

(This is my non-musical ode to the sloth is the fireman giraffe )

Jan 30, 2009

Cute Sloths, Meet the World!

Though I am a hardcore Goonies fan, these sloths are 100% more adorable than that lovable deformed giant. Still, as cute as they are, there's something inexplicably strange about these furry guys. Maybe it's because they look a bit like ET?

And if it wasn't for the fact that these creatures are the world's slowest mammal, (they're so slow that algae actually grows on their furry coats) I'd be way freaked out by those amazingly long claws!